I’m interested in light as a property of color, not as an illusion. Instead of trying to paint the illusion of light, I’m actually working with these transparent layers of light in themselves. The light is inherently part of the color. -Tom everhart
Tom Everhart makes the impressive Peanuts & Snoopy paintings, which include lithographs and lithography posters, prints and original artwork. As the only artist given permission by Charles Schulz, Everhart draws characters to express a new way of seeing. He explains“I want people to see the attraction in it, and be lured in.”
Tom Everhart and Charle.M.Schulz are close friends and colleagues. Schulz was so impressed with Everhart's painterly brush stroke and his strong depictions of the characters that he gave Everhart permission to do work his Peanuts characters.
※Lithoglaphy:printing from a smooth surface,for example a metal plate.
Lithograph:a picture printed by lithograph.
Lithograph:a picture printed by lithograph.
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